Thursday, 3 June 2010


Is rather upset and confused to be honest. Maybe irrationally.I don't know it seems rather odd but hten it was obviously going to make me feel uneasy.

But then at least my mind isn't so irrational as to have a reason or a need to shoot harmless people.
Everytime something happens like this there are many sides to the story. The awfulness for the people who have had their lives cut short, the horrible torment for their familes but what about the killer. What possible pain could they have been in?
We as mere people are so fragile. Our emotions hurt us too much and we take that pain and it turns and affects our behaviour. Maybe our minds are too advanced for the stupid situations we find ourselves in. The feeling is far more powerful than the situation and it is so harmful.
Few people are so strong. Few people take everything in their stride. WQe can;t tiptoe around the world but just pray that we can remain on top of things.

A moment to think about those killed, the families and the killers in all mass shootings.

Maybe we should re- read I think we need to talk about kevin

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