Monday, 19 October 2009

Neon Life A Portrait

£60,000 pounds and 15 questions... Tracy Emin will "write" your neon forever.

1. Do you believe in God? I believe in a sort of God. I think there has to be a reason. I beleive in fate and destiny. Not GOD... I believe in the universe.

2. How old are you? I am 18

3. Do you still look at yourself the same way in the mirror? The way i look at myself in the mirror or in my head changes constantly.

4.Does any colour make you feel violently sick? No real colour makes me feel sick...there is a colour in my head that makes me go dizzy. It's not real.

5. Capital or full flow? I don;t kno hat this means...someone care to enlighten me...otherise I will look it up.

6. Who is you favourite poet? William Blake

7. How would you like to die? Destruction or survival

8.Passion, Romance or Hard Core Sex? Passion Romance and Sex should be one and all.

9. Who was the greatest love of your life? I know who is or was the greatest love of my life. He never knew nor did I... I don't love them anymore.

10.Is the neon for them? No

11. Are you quiet or loud when you make love? I am very very loud when I "make love".

12. If you could be anywhere right now here would you be? Here...this is where I chose to be (Frieze)

13. How would you rate your sense of humour? I can't rate my sense of humour. I like laughing but i think I am too serious.

14.Antique or contemporary? Fireplace or radiator? Antique not contemporary... Fireplace and radiator.

15. How often do you get homesick? I don't know how often i get homesick. I get mum sick...not homesick. I miss my bedroom. BUT home isn't always home.

whats my portrait?

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