I have to pray this is not the dawn of an ice age!
Yes snow is lovely... for a couple of weeks ski holiday in the alps/ in snow globes/ made into a snowman/ as icing.... in pretty pictures/fairytales!
but not in london when I am trying to live my life.
I feel sick with the cold and everything is so hard!
I do not own a nice snowy wardrobe and nothing is warm enough...
I like wearng no clothes!
ahhh... i look like a bloody tramp in this weather!
...Can't wait to move to LA!!!!
Or I will end up like the Little Matchstick Girl!....
"It was New Year’s Eve, and a poor little girl was out on the cold streets selling matchsticks. She was hungry and freezing, with neither hat nor shoes. She was afraid to go home for her father would surely beat her as she had not sold any matchsticks that day.
In a nook between two buildings she tried to warm herself by lighting her matches. In the light of the first match she saw a hot iron stove. She then lit a second match and this time saw a fully laden dinner table with a cooked goose that came right toward her. It too disappeared as the match went out. By the light of the third match she saw a beautiful Christmas tree lit with thousands of candles. The lights of the tree went higher and higher until she saw that they were the stars. One became a shooting star and she remembered her grandmother telling her that a shooting star means that a person has died and a soul gone to heaven.
Upon lighting the next match she saw her grandmother, the only person who ever loved her. Hoping to keep her grandmother as long as possible, she quickly lit the whole bunch of matches. Her grandmother then lifted her in her arms and they flew with joy and glory higher and higher and there was no cold, no hunger, no fear – they were with God.
The next morning her body was found with a smile upon her lips, frozen to death and with a burned out bunch of matches. “She wanted to warm herself!” people said. No one knew what beauty she had seen or with what glory she had gone with her grandmother into a joyous new year."
... that is dead! but I DON'T WANT TO BE!!!
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