- Wide ranging research that has been used to focus on self discovery.
Subject knowledge
- Excellent engagement with your subject
Communication and presentation
- This is very engagingly written. You have constructed a good way to explore your concerns.
- but you need to read your work thoroughly for mistakes.
Personal and Professional development
- The essay is evidence of a lot of learning and involvement with all aspects of your practice.
- You have used the essay to address issues of your practice effectively.
- You have used all aspects of your course imaginatively and with commitment.
- Read around the work that you look at to contextualise your responses more thoroughly.
- Perhaps begin to focus the enquiry further - it is very wide ranging.
- Use writing and re-writing to check for errors.
I would not normally post something like this however I think the feedback has been very helpful and informed. It furthers my faith in my course and my tutors and shows how important all criticism is. I am very pleased with my feedback and know that I fall back on checking work. I am tooo lazy. The fact is the essay bored me and I just wanted to write my thoughts. Anyway .. I still think I did well and it is good to know that I wrote something interesting.
So the first bit of my course down...
Does this help me become an artist?
Who knows!
:) xxxxxxxxxxx