Monday, 16 August 2010

back and notes on bulls and bloodshed....

I am back from holidaying in Andalucia and have an infinite list of posts to start on and many photos that need uploading...

I had a fantastic time with Alex and my family; it was peaceful and happy and sunny and very hard to come back. Holidays seem to take away any worries and you seem to live in a world of perfection. The holiday bought everyone closer and I think even self discovery... stepping away is a necessity.

I think I need to write about one thing first...
On a trip to Malaga we managed to visit a real life bullfight. I wanted to see it, Alex wanted to see it... everyone did apart from my sister.. but she was just nervous.
Bull fights are a contreversial subject... bloody, cruel, patriotic, majestical, ceremonial... it was all of these things.
Personally I do not think it is right. I didn't quite know how I would feel but it defenately had an affect on me.
Sitting in the ring we were surrounded by spanish people, the mood was high, live musicians played spanish music... everything was defeantely happy, pure and wonderful. The start was ceremonial, beautiful and proud. The matadors strong, majestical and heroic but as soon as the first bull was released an overwhelming sadness came over me. It was so small, pitiful and humbling. it wasn;t this angry beast I was expecting. I immediately started feeling what I thought it was feeling...
Pain as it's skin was stabbed...exhaustion, humilation, weakness as the matador prodded it urging to fight. This bull was too effeminate, too lovely.. I imagined it's friends, it;s paretns... this wasn't a bull who wanted to fight... it just wanted a hug?
The matador jeered as it watched it die... this bull died for human pride.. an unworthy cause.
My sister, Alex and my Mother were concerened but excited, desperate for more.... it wasn't personal... I stayed but it made me angry ... there is nothing I could no about it!
The next two bulls were stronger more fierce, there pain didn;t hurt me nad the matador's fantastic but I still can;t condone this sport. Yes it is traditional, beautiful, and brings the peopele together but we live in a modern world which is searching for freedom. Animals are now seen as worthy beings with rights... yes we eat animals... but I am not sure anyone enjoys there killing.
I think spain needs to find a new way of keeping the glory of the matador but not the bullish behaviour.

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