Last wednesday we went to a little Amerian Festival at The Troxy, a three day affair of which we made the first. I must say it was fantastic!!!!!
Th venue is reminiscent of an old haunted dance hall and at firt made me feel a little uneasy as it was very empty and grand... but my oh my did I settle in... I want to live there now!
We saw three bands: The White Rabbit whom where New Yorkers through and through,incredibly musically gifted, multi talented and very danceable, if not a little clean cut,; the second was the before mentioned, crazy and loveable Adam Green. We primarily went to the festival to see this dude and my god was it worth it! This mortal being is a comedy legend! He performed with all the skill and musicality that was expected whilst being totally off his face and completley bonkers. Gee do I feel sorry for his band! Green appeared a stumbling, jigging, bopping wreck complete with hat and crate of beer for support. He then proceeded to wildly fall about the stage (whilst giving a floorless perfomance), give two very eager groupies (they achieved their goal with the ease of any Penny Lane wannabee!) numouous slobbery kisses ( and thn go home with them) hee, strip ( not a wise move - he is not particularly good looking) and through himself of the stage forcing the crowd to caress his sweaty back in order to keep him up (Alex claimed he even got a bit of ball!)! Anyway the show was brilliant!!!!! Well worth it.
Thirdly and headlining the night were the fantstic Felice brothers. I had not heard them before and I personally found them mesmorising. The atmosphere live was really quite spiritual and I felt it had a grungy feel - although listening to recordings this is lost and there sound is defenately country! The musiians were fab especially the accordian player who seemed to get completley lost in his music!!! I also confess to having a slight crush on the lead singer with his vunerable voice and slightly troubled heroin chic look.
I really had an amazing time and wish Icould have gone on the other days.. but as always money doesn't grow on trees...
...any way .... a few pics...
Ian Felice
The White Rabbit
Adam Green
The Felice Brothers
Ian Felice and James Felice
James Felice on the accordian
Adam Green
Adam Green
Adam Green
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