Friday, 8 October 2010

one week down...

Ok so this week I officially started my "degree" and I can say it has been an odd one...
I haven't relly done much or at least much that excites me but I guess that is down to the necessary introductions, formalities, boring tours and everything NOT to do with the course.
I got my timetable ... which is a bit of a shocker! I literally have 9 till 5 days nearly every day which I am going to find VERY VERY hard. I have not been in full time education since I was 14 and defenately not been able to commit to anything like this so the prospect is daunting. I tend to like to have time to do my own thing. Unfortunately my life does not amalgamate of one really important passion: ART!!!
Yes I am happy to be doing this degree but there are many things I don't want to sacrifice... ALEX(I can do this!)!!!!! excersise, sleep, partying... me time (away from people because yes, I find them HARD!). At the end of the day the only thing i would sacrifice these things for would be drama... but hey! I guess I will have to find a way of managing my time and one things for sure... I won't give up!
I must admit I have been pretty wobbly and taking it out on my loved ones but believe me the are there for me and I can not thank WOLFIE enough. . . really do treat him like shit sometimes and hs retun is pretty selfless :) "thank you... and my roses are beautiful!"
Anyway... all I have really done in terms of ART is had a group tutorial/crit and I must say my peers and tutors are brilliant I wouldn;t be suprised if some absolutely phenomenal stuff comes out of us. I had to go first infront of a group of people I didn't know which was pretty nerve wracking to say the least. We were meant to bring and work we did oer the summer in (which they hadn't told us to do!!) and I chose some paintings, some photographs and words and some performance based photographs (which incedentley wre partly on my blog) that I had done a coupl of weeks back. I like this work but you can;t escape that at the end of the day that I'm naked in these photos and, well, it is a little embarassing. Anyway we established that my current obsessions/ themes are mainly surrounding love/ physical/ and transcedence. It excites me that I can carry this on and the crit went really well and everyone seemed to like my work. My tutor said it was very exciting and she seemed really tuned in to my thinking and loved the fact that I was cross media ... stemming in to performance, word, 3D ... everything.
I havesome philosophers on love to check out which is great!
Anyway just a few questions I have to think about...
1. When do I use what mode of "practise" and why?
2. Am I outside or inside my work (depending on practise) and is this to do with myself or he theme?

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