Monday, 21 February 2011

for the readers (I am sorry for the shock)

For you people who read my last post (looks like there were a lot of you) I am sorry if it seems to much. I realise it is not the wisest thing to do but it is my wisest option. For me. It is the only way I can move one.
I need to have it there and I need people to know so that I can't brush it all under the carpet as soon as I get lonely. Which obviously I am right now. I need it there so that I can NEVER EVER go back. I need it there so he doesn't make me go back. I need it there to read and to clarify my thoughts.


this is not all doom and gloom. I don't need any anger or shock. I don't need any hate at Alex... just support for me. I don't know who he is. We both pressed destruct from the beginning. We are but human and we damage. I hope that he as well as me can learn from this..

on an even more positive note fashion week is awesome and I had an amazing time last night with the wonderful Tim Holloway who is proving to be a fantastic friend. Gin was on tap. Fashion galore. The best DJ's... and they did play NIRVANA. The best venues. The nicest people.....
The funnest people.
The people at tank and the OSMAN party... you are amazing.
I got pretty high on drink and who would have guessed it - was first on the pole - but thy all embraced it. There was blood and breakages but boy did we have fun
Then everyone at sketch just beautiful. Table dancing with the DJ's... last nights atmosphere was wild
See life is looking up.
I can do it on my own.... can't wait to more party's.

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