Wednesday, 29 September 2010

SEX (the shop)

I wish I was alive then!!!!! When SEX was in full action, Punk was real, and well SEX in fashion new!....oh why am I alive now? ... why was I born when we as the young have no real guts no dare. We don't beleive are style we just look it! I mean we aren;t cool compared to any of the past eras. But then which decade to pick this is the problem?

I just want to be freeeeeeee.....

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

CSM: Lifestyle not an education

courtesy of Jasminne Yip

I have now enrolled for 2010 to start m BA in Fine Art at Cetral Saint Martins!...BRING IT ON!!!

Benny Benassi - Satisfaction

and then
so I can get my

Monday, 27 September 2010

charlie le mindu LFW

there has to be a round of applause for this . . .

ok nudity is hardly new but it still takes certain guts (designer and model) to jet of down the catwalk before 10AM with your vagina flashing about! I think the hir pieces are beautiful though... and the fashion..well cheap!! (mind you for most the body not!)

And it makes ou wonder... is this a yetti suit or is this model just incredibly hairy??!....

Saturday, 25 September 2010

campfire trails... (and the waiting game!)

After four months I finally have proper internet! YAYYYYY!!! (Thank you WOlFIE for sorting it out!!! (and his mum who probably actually sorted it out! (although getting letters addressed to Mrs Elizabeth Sherlock is a bit freaky!( Wolfie's mum shares my name!)))) The last couple of weeks I have had no internet at all so yay! Go wireless!!... I can start posting again amongst other things!
Last wednesday we went to a little Amerian Festival at The Troxy, a three day affair of which we made the first. I must say it was fantastic!!!!!
Th venue is reminiscent of an old haunted dance hall and at firt made me feel a little uneasy as it was very empty and grand... but my oh my did I settle in... I want to live there now!
We saw three bands: The White Rabbit whom where New Yorkers through and through,incredibly musically gifted, multi talented and very danceable, if not a little clean cut,; the second was the before mentioned, crazy and loveable Adam Green. We primarily went to the festival to see this dude and my god was it worth it! This mortal being is a comedy legend! He performed with all the skill and musicality that was expected whilst being totally off his face and completley bonkers. Gee do I feel sorry for his band! Green appeared a stumbling, jigging, bopping wreck complete with hat and crate of beer for support. He then proceeded to wildly fall about the stage (whilst giving a floorless perfomance), give two very eager groupies (they achieved their goal with the ease of any Penny Lane wannabee!) numouous slobbery kisses ( and thn go home with them) hee, strip ( not a wise move - he is not particularly good looking) and through himself of the stage forcing the crowd to caress his sweaty back in order to keep him up (Alex claimed he even got a bit of ball!)! Anyway the show was brilliant!!!!! Well worth it.
Thirdly and headlining the night were the fantstic Felice brothers. I had not heard them before and I personally found them mesmorising. The atmosphere live was really quite spiritual and I felt it had a grungy feel - although listening to recordings this is lost and there sound is defenately country! The musiians were fab especially the accordian player who seemed to get completley lost in his music!!! I also confess to having a slight crush on the lead singer with his vunerable voice and slightly troubled heroin chic look.
I really had an amazing time and wish Icould have gone on the other days.. but as always money doesn't grow on trees...
...any way .... a few pics...

Ian Felice

The White Rabbit

Adam Green

The Felice Brothers

Ian Felice and James Felice

James Felice on the accordian

Adam Green

Adam Green

Adam Green



Friday, 24 September 2010

Shabba-dabba-da......and the curse of the flashing nipple!!!!

... a video from an awesome night at Avalon in Shoreditch hosted by the fantastical, glamorous and outrageous Daniel Lismore.
A brilliant video with some brilliant people...
... I appologise for my costume malfunction (unfortuantely a regular occurance)
Check out the awesome outfits!!!!

Monday, 20 September 2010

a walk in the woods...

I have ended up back home for the weekend becuase I got locked out of my flat but it was a nice chance to get some country air and a walk in the woods...

and wolfie...

Sunday, 19 September 2010

remember cloudia.....

well she made it to the top ten designs for the mia jafari scarf for sketchbook magazine... so it would be really good if you could go on the page and like it and her :)
I haven't been on the interenet so only found out today and am running a bit behind.
It was a realy shock but I guess kinda cool and cloudia will be pleased.
So spare two minutes and ...

Ahhh i can;t get the link to work so please put this into your browser...

thanks xxx!/photo.php?pid=5243110&id=115011043996&ref=fbx_album

Thursday, 16 September 2010


Has anyone seen this man?
Picture included.
Extreme New Yorker.
Owns a record company.
Very drunk!!!!

The other day whilst stumling through London me and Alex came across this beauty! What a diamond! He is the funniest man alive and to know whoheis would absolutely make my day! He is unforgetable. The problem beign he took our mber but we were too stupid to take his.


Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Call of the wild..

I would literally do anything for this £200 dress by UNIQUE for Topshop.
I saw it in the London flagship store whilst shopping with my mum and we both fell in love with it. Unfortunatly I woluld need a lot of justifying as it is too much money but...
1. It has an amazing wold print and I consider myself a bit of a wolf child. (nothing to do with Twilight!)
2. Purely because I call Alex Wolfie
3. It is purple (which I love) and not black which I have too much of.
4. The fur will keep me warm in winter!!!!
5. I'm sure I can dress it down or up.
6. Prfect mix of princess and les enfants terrible.
7. Although trend driven the cut is timeless.
8. It would make me happy.

So I have four choices :
a. convince someone to buy it for me
b. give up my money
c. wait untill my student loan arrives and hope I die before I have to pay it back
d. pray there will soon be a sale and it will be 75% off .... yay!!!!

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

EXPOSED Voyeurism, surveillence and the camera...

It seems the TATE MODERN has pulled out the publicity card again for their latest major group exhibition. Unlike POP LIFE the names of the artists wasn’t the crowd puller, nor was their much controversy but again it was still a largely celebrity obsessed exhibition luring our celebrity obsessed world.
I am not complaining. The theme of celebrity and the need for celebrity constantly intrigues me. This exhibition followed the secrecy of paparazzi, the creation of celebrity and how celebrity was created through our surveillance. Sex, violence, war and drugs also featured heavily in the massive collection of photographs. These photographs questioned what art is? Is it the artist? The subject? Or an accident?
Largely the work here was accidental….so can it really be called art? I think it proves art is limitless and we must have faith in whatever it is… science, people, image or thought.
Art is set out to satisfy, give knowledge, break boundaries….
Even when the camera was relatively new it was being developed to secretly spy on people…maybe even reveal things we could not otherwise know. The magic of voyeurism is in fact it catches people off guard, as themselves, at their most natural and real.
I think this exhibition proved humanities lust for power and holding a secret, knowing something we shouldn’t and clinging to it. As humans we have a desire for the wrong and risky a desire to penetrate people’s lives and a desire to know all and control. With a camera you can do this. You can hold a small part of a person and do with it what you will.
In terms of an exhibition, it was well curated, well explained, but fairly boring. The pictures were interesting but repetitive, some well known, the others, not really that exciting… yes it was intriguing but perhaps would make a better book of documentary. After all we are all in control of our surveillance.. We can all take pictures of people on toilets and feel like we are in control…the fact is … are you?

Alex's art! (cough cough)...

Monday, 13 September 2010

wind song

Silence sleeping frozen in whiteness: Bloody and pure.
Souless searching for sensation ready to lure.
Think! To trap,to kill the princess child.
Timeless temptation. A heart that's wlld!.
Beauty's beast,
Bedlam's feast.
Listening to the call of the winds hollow song,
No need to tell right from wrong.
Amoral pictures no longer dreams,
Joy! The world never what it seems.
Myth and legend proven fact.
The devil's whore a deadly act!

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Livng mistakes

When there’s too many mistakes to start again
Piling up in a heap of misery
You know it’s time to cut your loses and run.
Running isn’t the answer
But it’s a relief.
A brief time of clarity.
A heaving panting breath of sincerity.
One more move it is all it takes and it all goes crumbling down,
Down to a pit of deep decay.
Happiness left in a shiver, a shudder, a splinter of a second.
Mistakes are depression,
Depression a way of living.
Mistakes are human
Humanity collapsing,
Moralistic naivety fills the air.
But it is youth!
How are we beings meant to reach perfection?
Loosing control isn’t a question.
Beauty is just an image, a deception.
Youth a fleeting, transient wave a wind a breath of freshness.
Youth is a curse because it is drawn clinging to anything that equals living.
Here is where the mistakes begin.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

giraffe fairy

... an illustration for a Mia Jafari scarf print I am entering in a competition via Sketchbook magazine. Hey... I'm no experienced illustrator, it's hand drawn and I'm not going to win but really it was a exuse to draw a cute animal (m favourite) with wings...
It took up five minutes and it ismy new wall friend. I will call her Cloudia.....

mousey, mousey, mousey ..... mouse!

Sunday, 5 September 2010

somehow indestructable....

10 months...

... ths photo pretty much sums up our relationship !!!

Friday, 3 September 2010

To die ... To sleep... No more!

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

New Love

1.freedom is to love
2.slightly superstitous

... there is nothing more perfect than unrequited love...

(guess what my answers are too)

dragged heart

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

On not having a camera.... (and reading)

I just spent the whole of Reading festival whithout a camera... whithout taking a single picture... without stepping back for a second. This is not me!
I am telling you it was hard... I gazed at things loningly... wishing to magic a camera in thin air; a pile of rubbish that looked like a corpse, licking flames, seas of mud, spotty socks.... but to no avail!Thse pictures are stuck in my mind.
I decided uite erly n to not take eithr of my SLR's ..this would be stupid, although, lookingback I feel like nothing woul have happened to them I wouldn;t have been able to mosh to gallows, stand in the rain, roll on the floor... do anything whithout risking my cameras life! I did attempt at taking an old compact camera but it didn; work and after a breaf moment of error I decided to challenge myself and yes I am pleased I survived. Actually, it as probably a good thing for the rest of he world; no enless pictures of me and alex documnting our looks!
On Reading.... Ok it was Reading! nortunatey the ay before I went and the day I went it rained and it fucking poured... I dreaded it..stepping into the mud.. beign continuosly cold, sleepingin a deep brown sludgy mess... and yes was liek this but I had alex to kep me going. I can not explain how lovely it was tosnuggle up in a tent with the person you love knowing that if it wasn't for him you would be hating every second instead of feeling comfortably warm inside.
Reading passed incredily quickly... I flited between tipsy and sober danced, danced, danced.
Highlights would be the incredible Adam Green who's theatricallnes live is unmissable. He as amazing! A "cabaret strokes"... utterly hilarious! Libertines took my breath away! Oh Pete is amazing a absolute genious but one prolem; why is he getting so massively fat? I know it is politically horrible but he is starting to look like he has Down's Syndrome??? Sorry!!!
Arcade Fire where spell binding... everyone was still a total silent audience swept in by their magic. Unfortunately Alex missed them! Being us.. we are bith way too emotional and the tiredness and hunger cret in and Alex freaked out when he couldn't find me and missed the whole set. I feel terrible because they are his favourite and I spent the vast majority of it in silent tears but all is mended apart from the fact that he missed one of the best gigs I have ever been to!
Fools gold and Harlem where lovely... aart fom the ound levls all wrong! Gallows mad! Yes " I ain't know puss and am mental!" I divied into the crow fully attired in roses and threw myself about to my hearts contenet... went down down down and up up up. Caribou my knew favourite band... were good but not as good as at Field Day and The Drums...unfortuantly I would rather not mention them!
I moaned about stid things light heartedley but had a fab time... emotionally it was a rollercoasted but so is my life. Me and Alex were well me and Alex...
unftuantely occasionally we turn into not me and Alex and that is when the problems start... we are determined to changead sort out our ridiculous moods and destructive behaviour. We love each ther more than anything ..unfortunately ocassinally we feel too much! lso unfortuanely we are bith extrememley skinny adn our most notable problem is hunger. Despite stuffing myself with crisps, nuts, chocolate, fruit, sweets, coffee, cheese, chips, chilli, noodles, chicken and crepes... as much food as I could get my hands on... (Plus the alchohol) I still mamaged to loose five pounds in four days and ws constantly starving. I have this problem wher eI just need to eat and eat and eat! Alex on th other had..just an;t be bothered to eat... or gets beligerant and wot.. thisis when our bodies get desperate and we "loose" it. At least we know this....
But hey I had a fab time.. and here is to mud, starvation, smelly toilets, arguments.,spilt drinks. love, tent sex, being lost, overpriced food, over emotions, tiredness, alcohol, fires, sore feet, snuggling, wetness, coldness, talking, dancing and fucking good music!!!