Wednesday, 10 November 2010

can't cut this...

It seems we are heading in to another dawn of discontent. With the rise of the tories and the mess of economics politics is back at the heart of the country and money is the biggest issue. Today students protested against the goverment cuts set to hit all universiities.
With the mess we are in (another human creation) something has to be done ... but the future is bleak. Goldsmiths is set to loose 100 % of its teaching grants along with fees going up to £9000 across the board. This is a diar state of affairs. University always was elitist... for the rich but now everyone expects to have this privilege (not that I would call the education system that!). Cutting and raising will lead to a huge shift in the structure of society... between the new and old.. our generation and the next couple of years and again create a class structure damaging to our already corrupt society.
In terms of art school the state of affairs is ridiculous! It seems to have completley bent to the will anf whim of the goverment loosing all notion of what it is or the point of taking part. I was asked today by a pro cut student (fuck that) "Whether I valued my degree at £30,000 ...becasue if I didn't why was i here?" Ha ha i could .. probably did have laughed in his face. He believed the cuts were vital... probably so he could raise his own elitist arse up above the talented bitches around him. The problem is NO I don't. I value my lifestyle, art, the people I am surronded with but not the stupid grade or the fucking university. The problem is raising the fees will take what little is left of art school ( not much... the goverments still to scared of punk) and remove all talent so that just the very few who can pay ( because no..WE CAN'T) can achieve there precious degree! Proof that your an artist? ... BULLSHIT!!!
Ah if only...
Teachers wouldn't get cuts.
People would be motivated.
We would be fresh.
and my whole bloody world wouldn't feel so rigid.

For the time beign though... befoer we tackle the problem of actual art school..
we must fight... at least this is giving us some anarchic spirit!

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