Friday, 29 October 2010
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Magical water worker
Sex charger
Water flowing
Stone carved, stone cracking
Damaged goods
Dancing, swaying, mystic, singing
Ancient ruin
Priceless precious, sacred serephn
Breastless beauty, battered body.
Danger calling
Throbbig fountain
Limbless lines, frustration forms
Forceless force, shrine of sins.
Bloodless breatg
Col hard palour
Deep delusions, historic amour.
She who knows more years than man
Earths craetion, trancendent crown...
Twining round the men she holds
Nothing more than lovers old
Stark hard light hits her hard
No more bleeding, veinless aims.
Eyes who watch don't understand this is a princess, goddess crowned...
One of three a middle ground
Triad, trinity, triplets then
Seperate from us mortal men
What she is is free from flam.
Carved by some long gone hand
There remains element in sand.
A grain of wonder a wasted world
Wistful glance at whisperng land.
What we know is nothing as of yet
This monument a mark of knowledge, hopes and dreams.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Monday, 25 October 2010
the raven
Shattered motions, notion ... hard emotions
Shivering surrender of hope
Sucked up by you suffocating dope
Blurred bereavement
ready for a bloody beginning
All is lost
A heart obliterated by ravens repeating
Shattered motions, notion ... hard emotions
Shivering surrender of hope
Sucked up by you suffocating dope
Blurred bereavement
ready for a bloody beginning
All is lost
A heart obliterated by ravens repeating
Friday, 22 October 2010
let it rock

This is really truly my favourite perfume and actually one of the very few i like... let alone love! Unfortunately it has been discontinued and I can very rarely get hold of it... luckily though, it occasionally crops up in TK Maxx and I snap it up!!!
The best bit... it is £19!
vivienne westwood
Thursday, 21 October 2010
so i'm getting the feel your into trash?
Tutor: your work has a very particular feel to it. Are you into comics or graphic novels?
Me: no
Tutor: but your interested in/ you like trash right?
Me: Um .... I don't know... what is trash?
Tutor:... er Synth Pop!?
Me: no
Tutor: but your interested in/ you like trash right?
Me: Um .... I don't know... what is trash?
Tutor:... er Synth Pop!?
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
the truth about beauty
I was lucky enough to see Matthew Bourne's contemorary ballet of a Portrait of Dorian Gray a couple of years ago. A fan of both the choreographer and the book being one of my very favourite the stakes were set high ... and I was not dissapointed.
It was truly breathtaking, modern and completley artistically perfect. Dorian was staged as a character with a double side and the world a fast paced fashion society... a true child of industry... beauty destroyed.
Also physically phenomenal!! here is a clip...
Adam Cooper = total hotness
It was truly breathtaking, modern and completley artistically perfect. Dorian was staged as a character with a double side and the world a fast paced fashion society... a true child of industry... beauty destroyed.
Also physically phenomenal!! here is a clip...
Adam Cooper = total hotness
dorian gray
Monday, 18 October 2010
Icon of concrete death (the pigeon)
The bloodied head of the dead
On the floor of the city
A crimson monument to the ascendence of life.
A beauty
A shell of wonder
Rubbish to ponder?
An idol
A symbole
A colourful tragedy or positivety?
Disarden and wasted
Not there
The monster of modernity
Martyrs the miracle of life
Or death?
Sacred soliliquey
Singing the silence of society
Why have you forsaken me?
On the floor of the city
A crimson monument to the ascendence of life.
A beauty
A shell of wonder
Rubbish to ponder?
An idol
A symbole
A colourful tragedy or positivety?
Disarden and wasted
Not there
The monster of modernity
Martyrs the miracle of life
Or death?
Sacred soliliquey
Singing the silence of society
Why have you forsaken me?
Saturday, 16 October 2010
deat photography,
Friday, 15 October 2010
Shabba-dabba-da V the video!
art. wolfie,
for my sister...
to prove the flake advert is nothing in conparison.
Alexander was a genious. Enough said.
Yes THIS is completely mesmorising and in CONTEXT.
Beatiful, disturbing, trascendent; ART.
Once again the world of advertising and money has sold it'soul. I think t doesn't even work as an advert anyway. Way tooo deep and disturbing.
Alexander McQueen,
Thursday, 14 October 2010
i found some skeletons in my cupboard...
This duo got my vote as best dressed gin drinkers at forty winks haunted bed time storynights (where I work.)
forty winks,
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
still chasing the film....

pictures courtesy of Finissimo
Top: Hand dancing for the camera looking pink in leotard and faded trousers with painted hair.
Bottom: Mario, Wolfie and I working it haha... Check out the jaw lines!!! Although I do look tiny!
All at teh fantastic Shabba-dabba-da!!
art. wolfie,
Monday, 11 October 2010
Silent Warriors
by Abdel Absdessemed
(on at the PARASOL UNIT)
Are we humans mereley dinasours? (walk in to the Natural History Museam)
Scale isn't necessarily power? ( I think it looks vunerable)
Plastic isn't kitch? (Just a material that can replace bone)
A skeleton isn't human? (The form is... the material DEAD!)
AN ARTIST IS AN IDEA (When do they actually make their work nowadays???)
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Friday, 8 October 2010
one week down...
Ok so this week I officially started my "degree" and I can say it has been an odd one...
I haven't relly done much or at least much that excites me but I guess that is down to the necessary introductions, formalities, boring tours and everything NOT to do with the course.
I got my timetable ... which is a bit of a shocker! I literally have 9 till 5 days nearly every day which I am going to find VERY VERY hard. I have not been in full time education since I was 14 and defenately not been able to commit to anything like this so the prospect is daunting. I tend to like to have time to do my own thing. Unfortunately my life does not amalgamate of one really important passion: ART!!!
Yes I am happy to be doing this degree but there are many things I don't want to sacrifice... ALEX(I can do this!)!!!!! excersise, sleep, partying... me time (away from people because yes, I find them HARD!). At the end of the day the only thing i would sacrifice these things for would be drama... but hey! I guess I will have to find a way of managing my time and one things for sure... I won't give up!
I must admit I have been pretty wobbly and taking it out on my loved ones but believe me the are there for me and I can not thank WOLFIE enough. . . really do treat him like shit sometimes and hs retun is pretty selfless :) "thank you... and my roses are beautiful!"
Anyway... all I have really done in terms of ART is had a group tutorial/crit and I must say my peers and tutors are brilliant I wouldn;t be suprised if some absolutely phenomenal stuff comes out of us. I had to go first infront of a group of people I didn't know which was pretty nerve wracking to say the least. We were meant to bring and work we did oer the summer in (which they hadn't told us to do!!) and I chose some paintings, some photographs and words and some performance based photographs (which incedentley wre partly on my blog) that I had done a coupl of weeks back. I like this work but you can;t escape that at the end of the day that I'm naked in these photos and, well, it is a little embarassing. Anyway we established that my current obsessions/ themes are mainly surrounding love/ physical/ and transcedence. It excites me that I can carry this on and the crit went really well and everyone seemed to like my work. My tutor said it was very exciting and she seemed really tuned in to my thinking and loved the fact that I was cross media ... stemming in to performance, word, 3D ... everything.
I havesome philosophers on love to check out which is great!
Anyway just a few questions I have to think about...
1. When do I use what mode of "practise" and why?
2. Am I outside or inside my work (depending on practise) and is this to do with myself or he theme?
I haven't relly done much or at least much that excites me but I guess that is down to the necessary introductions, formalities, boring tours and everything NOT to do with the course.
I got my timetable ... which is a bit of a shocker! I literally have 9 till 5 days nearly every day which I am going to find VERY VERY hard. I have not been in full time education since I was 14 and defenately not been able to commit to anything like this so the prospect is daunting. I tend to like to have time to do my own thing. Unfortunately my life does not amalgamate of one really important passion: ART!!!
Yes I am happy to be doing this degree but there are many things I don't want to sacrifice... ALEX(I can do this!)!!!!! excersise, sleep, partying... me time (away from people because yes, I find them HARD!). At the end of the day the only thing i would sacrifice these things for would be drama... but hey! I guess I will have to find a way of managing my time and one things for sure... I won't give up!
I must admit I have been pretty wobbly and taking it out on my loved ones but believe me the are there for me and I can not thank WOLFIE enough. . . really do treat him like shit sometimes and hs retun is pretty selfless :) "thank you... and my roses are beautiful!"
Anyway... all I have really done in terms of ART is had a group tutorial/crit and I must say my peers and tutors are brilliant I wouldn;t be suprised if some absolutely phenomenal stuff comes out of us. I had to go first infront of a group of people I didn't know which was pretty nerve wracking to say the least. We were meant to bring and work we did oer the summer in (which they hadn't told us to do!!) and I chose some paintings, some photographs and words and some performance based photographs (which incedentley wre partly on my blog) that I had done a coupl of weeks back. I like this work but you can;t escape that at the end of the day that I'm naked in these photos and, well, it is a little embarassing. Anyway we established that my current obsessions/ themes are mainly surrounding love/ physical/ and transcedence. It excites me that I can carry this on and the crit went really well and everyone seemed to like my work. My tutor said it was very exciting and she seemed really tuned in to my thinking and loved the fact that I was cross media ... stemming in to performance, word, 3D ... everything.
I havesome philosophers on love to check out which is great!
Anyway just a few questions I have to think about...
1. When do I use what mode of "practise" and why?
2. Am I outside or inside my work (depending on practise) and is this to do with myself or he theme?
Thursday, 7 October 2010
The Ghost of Alexander McQueen
... so Alexander McQueen the lable lives on!
I don't know quite what to think. I always saw Alexander McQueen as some kind of GOD so maybe even the name brings some kind of "it must be good to it" but this collection by Sarah Burton is far from my favourite ( although good). I defenately got more interested in the show as it weat on and McQueen style as evident so "it must be good". I think the whole show is a bit bland in pesentation but the pieces (or at least some) are fantastic - you can see why the last dress got an applause. I don't like the track or the influences ( I;m guessing (tribal/ nature/ medieval) but structure still rules and th butterflies, feathers and hair are awesome! I like the black I like the white... I will always hate brown but you see where it is coming from. I am not a fan of trouser suits but some are!... the collection is vast and varied. You can see how this is easily traslatable and the shoes are all fantastic.
It is a hard job carryng out McQueen's legacy and not one to be taken lightly.. I think the question remains what will now happen?... but well done SARAH!
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Monday, 4 October 2010
surreal dreams or reality?.. and the case of the stabbed heart....
I always have vivid dreams.. always have (hopefully - because what would life be without them?) always will! Even so, recentley my dreams have taken a far more obvious turn. My daily life is all too apparent. Every night without fail my dreams are heavily linked to my reality providind a macabre twist on the real and presenting the worrying question of why? ... Is my brain fnding the every day too hard to handle? or is my conscious and subconscious intertwining evermore into a world filled of madness.
Anyway mostly these dreams have been interesting/ disturbung / odd but perhaps usual/ handleable / not that affecting but one of them is sending my mind on a turn for the worst. This however may not be the dreams fault but the reality. ..
Ok so now for the case of the stabbed heart. I live very near an extrememlet large sainsbury's and visit it nearly every day. There is an archway that you walk through to get to it. I walk through this archway normally battling heaps of people, tramps, rain... ok it is not the nicest of places but a couple of day ago I was walking through and there on the grate beside me was a heart. A very large real hear onnected to several other organs from god knows what. It lay on the gate dripping blood looking like this great heaving mes and in the centre sicking up out of it was a knife, a silver knife. Now the heart didn't suprise mett much thre are llotsof halal butcer around and I frequently see trucks full of carcsses and here the meat knives grinding bones. All teh same it was a stomach churning view and I quickly hurried by hoping it would be cleared up. However, this image is haunting me! The next day it was still there (yesterday) and I seemed to be the only one that noticed it, a big puddle of bloody rain around it. It seems so symbolic, the question is raised is it really symbolic? Is this a message? Who knows but to me it seems an incredibly bad omen!
Anyway last night was a tough one. The fire alarms jammed and they wouldn't sto. My sleep was broken and frequent and I had many dreams all obviously connected to my day. The wierdest and most haunting however was one hard to describe. I was in a world though surrounded by vains and throbbing muscles and membranes thy wher alive and swallowing peopleup. Thehart ws spreading with all it's sinewy tissue everywhere and was a thing of great fear. Cannibals reighned and people walked about like zombies. I was on some kind of quest that I cannot remember clearly but one things for sure. This heart is affecting me. I can't go to sainsbury's, I cant stop thinkning about it, I feel contantly nervous sick and on the edge and have a strong sense of impending doom. I am even beginning to question whether it was ever actually there?
.... After all impailed hearts wouldn't exactly be all that alien to me. My art having a strong link which I do not fully understand....
Anyway mostly these dreams have been interesting/ disturbung / odd but perhaps usual/ handleable / not that affecting but one of them is sending my mind on a turn for the worst. This however may not be the dreams fault but the reality. ..
Ok so now for the case of the stabbed heart. I live very near an extrememlet large sainsbury's and visit it nearly every day. There is an archway that you walk through to get to it. I walk through this archway normally battling heaps of people, tramps, rain... ok it is not the nicest of places but a couple of day ago I was walking through and there on the grate beside me was a heart. A very large real hear onnected to several other organs from god knows what. It lay on the gate dripping blood looking like this great heaving mes and in the centre sicking up out of it was a knife, a silver knife. Now the heart didn't suprise mett much thre are llotsof halal butcer around and I frequently see trucks full of carcsses and here the meat knives grinding bones. All teh same it was a stomach churning view and I quickly hurried by hoping it would be cleared up. However, this image is haunting me! The next day it was still there (yesterday) and I seemed to be the only one that noticed it, a big puddle of bloody rain around it. It seems so symbolic, the question is raised is it really symbolic? Is this a message? Who knows but to me it seems an incredibly bad omen!
Anyway last night was a tough one. The fire alarms jammed and they wouldn't sto. My sleep was broken and frequent and I had many dreams all obviously connected to my day. The wierdest and most haunting however was one hard to describe. I was in a world though surrounded by vains and throbbing muscles and membranes thy wher alive and swallowing peopleup. Thehart ws spreading with all it's sinewy tissue everywhere and was a thing of great fear. Cannibals reighned and people walked about like zombies. I was on some kind of quest that I cannot remember clearly but one things for sure. This heart is affecting me. I can't go to sainsbury's, I cant stop thinkning about it, I feel contantly nervous sick and on the edge and have a strong sense of impending doom. I am even beginning to question whether it was ever actually there?
.... After all impailed hearts wouldn't exactly be all that alien to me. My art having a strong link which I do not fully understand....
first day of the next three years of my life...
Ok so here it begins. The first day of my BA Fine Art degree at CSM. How do I feel?
.... I will be honest:
1. I have been excited for a ver long time at the prospect.
2. Lucky
3. . . but I must say it has suddenly hit me... I am incredibly scared of being trapped into something of not being free and at the end of the day shit ..three more year of a system.
4. Scared at how much my life/ I may change affecting important aspects of my life.
5. Happy to be being an artist.
6. Intrigued as to what this journey will involve.
7. Prepared to work hard.
8. Looking forward to meeting amazing people.
9. Worried about money.
10. Worried about time.
11. Fear at not succeeding.
12. Tired.
13. Hating the rain.
.... but here goes all I can really say is live my life.
.... I will be honest:
1. I have been excited for a ver long time at the prospect.
2. Lucky
3. . . but I must say it has suddenly hit me... I am incredibly scared of being trapped into something of not being free and at the end of the day shit ..three more year of a system.
4. Scared at how much my life/ I may change affecting important aspects of my life.
5. Happy to be being an artist.
6. Intrigued as to what this journey will involve.
7. Prepared to work hard.
8. Looking forward to meeting amazing people.
9. Worried about money.
10. Worried about time.
11. Fear at not succeeding.
12. Tired.
13. Hating the rain.
.... but here goes all I can really say is live my life.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Elizabeth by Edgar Allen Poe...
Elizabeth, it surely is most fit
[Logic and common usage so commanding]
In thy own book that first thy name be writ,
Zeno and other sages notwithstanding;
And I have other reasons for so doing
Besides my innate love of contradiction;
Each poet - if a poet - in pursuing
The muses thro' their bowers of Truth or Fiction,
Has studied very little of his part,
Read nothing, written less - in short's a fool
Endued with neither soul, nor sense, nor art,
Being ignorant of one important rule,
Employed in even the theses of the school-
Called - I forget the heathenish Greek name
[Called anything, its meaning is the same]
"Always write first things uppermost in the heart."
A poem of namesake written for Egdar Allen Poe's cousin Elizabeth Rebecca. (acrostic)
.... not my favourite but hey...
[Logic and common usage so commanding]
In thy own book that first thy name be writ,
Zeno and other sages notwithstanding;
And I have other reasons for so doing
Besides my innate love of contradiction;
Each poet - if a poet - in pursuing
The muses thro' their bowers of Truth or Fiction,
Has studied very little of his part,
Read nothing, written less - in short's a fool
Endued with neither soul, nor sense, nor art,
Being ignorant of one important rule,
Employed in even the theses of the school-
Called - I forget the heathenish Greek name
[Called anything, its meaning is the same]
"Always write first things uppermost in the heart."
A poem of namesake written for Egdar Allen Poe's cousin Elizabeth Rebecca. (acrostic)
.... not my favourite but hey...
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