Tuesday, 27 September 2011


My swollen stomach protrudes sordid and dirty throbbing from the rasping rakish ribs.
What shape is bulging from my body in some kind of truth
Or hint at reality?
The rest of me withered and withdrawn.
Sucked from flesh into the cavernous centre as it swells and stinks.
Pain pushing outward.
Some creature born within hosts itself
Latched on to my soul. My life not it it its.
I feel this thing drain my blood
As its bulbous laugh lunges and staggers around.
Swimming in stained sensuous lies
I know not what it is or do not care to have something drain my body.
If I could latch leeches and lure it out
I would but never to understand.
Just to be released.
My legs buckle as tension tightens around
My throat and stops me from swallowing.
Stumbling at every step I still do not expect this to be here.
My breath does not feel like my lungs
They cannot bear to breathe this foul dirty air anymore.
Detachment is the key.
Ignorance is everything.
If I could rip out its heart I would and therefore feel weightless.

1 comment:

  1. is this about pregnancy? you are a beautiful writer.
