Saturday, 15 October 2011

The genesis of art extended...

Can this "creationism" in art be extended and used to the purpose of the fulfilment of the meaning of life? If we create a world of infinite possibility and an everlasting "image" or something thats purpose is to exist can this replace our need to fulfil ourselves through the eternal battle of "survival"? Maybe "artist" can be extended to human and with our power to create some sort of genesis - through the act of genesis (whatever that may be involving) we do not all have to exist solely for the purpose of  the continuation of the of the human race but indeed for the continuation of some other futile subject. We as the create can choose to extend ourselves in any kind of creation through the passing on of energy. If we will play our own God and create our worlds own future with any kind of purpose "to be" maybe the role of human can change - on some sort of level - and we wont all be battling for inevitable (Our population is huge) personal survival in human living, breathing, form but just the survival of a part of our soul.

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