"Van Gogh". A household name, a creative genius, a passionate mind, something that has now been completley destroyed by the RA.
Sure the exhibition proved an intrestng aocial study; a room full of fuddy duddy's crowding around not the brilliant paintings of his later life but the little labels and descriptions by the side. I undestand what the exhibiton was trying to do: give an insigt in to this mans mind, show how he taught himself how to paint, but it didn;t work, it made everythingabout Van Gogh seem so clynical. They were trying to make a huge collection of Van Gogh somethig else, somthing it really didn't need to be. The viewer wants to see the paintings, or at least, if anythng else, pry into his maddnss, not read about ho he labured learning to draw a tree, mathematically workin out the best techniques and here his scientific dull comments to his brother. We do not want to view Van Gogh as a normal boring person bt this is what it did.
The impressionist is menat to be fiery, passionate, theatrical, romanitic and my faith in Van Gigh still remains, after all he did shoot himself, but really! Does the RA need to be quite so conservative?
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