Tuesday, 30 November 2010
bloody sunday (2)
What was really really a peacful protest was seriously maimed by the authorities and from what I saw they were the only ones acting like PIGS.
After setting out on our march to parliament chanting "no ifs no buts no education cuts" we were immediately charged by the police. I really mean it.. we ran for our lives and after marching down the mall (route two) ... and making it to parliament sqaure the police tried to kettle us in. For what? Marching with a boom box!
Again we ran.... hoping over walls and going on a momentuous march all around london.
We made or stand and we marched and marched in the snow.
The fact is we care. Parliament votes on education on tuesday and it is our future we are fighting for. Our goverment has let us down. Tories are cunts and Lib-dems liars. The police are worse.
I rge verone to sign petitions and please don't beleive the stories. We DO want peacful protest... it's just the police's field day... can you beleive they charged with horses.
Who's street's OUR STREETS
Monday, 29 November 2010
Nymph 2
Lost translation
Blue Dream
Unseen Fiend
Fiery flush
girl child
Tempting temptess
Golden Empress
But who or what?
.. Not feeling "if" ANYMORE.
Sinful Seduction
Body not recognised
Humanity unknown.
Age old devestating desire
Sleey sighs of the soul,
Gripping tight
Breathing light
Whisper searching
Violen violation
Pounding, passionate, pushng pain.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Spot The Ball i-D magazine
Friday, 26 November 2010
Thursday, 25 November 2010
London EXPOSED: Political,Transcendental and Beatiful
Central to being at Central Saint Martins is the idea of it’s history and archives. Being a student at this present time is hugely influential on art practise itself. At a time of political uprising and distress art can be hugely influential and influenced by the active. Opening up CSM’s archives gives insight into how students reacted in the past to political direst. Anthony Davies (25th Nov 2010) the current archive investigator at CSM talked about the A course and how CSM first reacted to the prospect of examination and grading by introducing a rather strange and it would seem far removed form of assessment. Now as the very prospect of education is threatened by the governmental cuts CSM’s as an institution can change again thus producing new and exciting work and discussion. We live in a country where British Art is very much defined by its government and nationalistic status thus currently bringing the birth of a new era or movement.
“Is there a possibility we we’ll now have a genuine protest art prompted by the full force of the Con-Dem cuts?… It really, really, really, really could happen!” (David Sheppard(2010))
The studio is a busy, thriving space full of passion and drive. Talking to tutors who had been to CSM when it was an art school angered me as we as artists seem to have lost control of our practise in university form. This lead me in my work to question what we were becoming. Were we passionate or just after a degree and “WHAT HAPPENED TO ART SCHOOL?”
Even so making art political isn’t the only option. Doing it successfully is hard and when we try and question “art politics” we can become pretentious. Of course I am referring to my own work and at first I was ashamed of this (my pretension) but on reflection it became obvious, I was only trying!
“One quality of pretentiousness is a willingness to at least have a stab at something, for better or for worse, and you can only accuse someone of pretentiousness if you can identify both what is being aspired to, and just why it is that the person in question fails to make the grade.” (Fox, D. (2009). Class Act. Frieze Magazine)
Being at CSM and visiting galleries around London, coupled with my own mistakes has made me realise I can make “Art for Art’s sake” … in the end, art exists in the art world and this is its main purpose! If I mistakenly become pretentious in the process of trying to create something else or have some kind of ethos I haven’t failed!
Moving away from politics - stepping into the Saatchi from the bitterly cold and grey outside is like entering an oasis of light and freshness. The building allows a breather from the polluted city, illuminates the world and reveals how great contemporary Art today can be. Newspeak: British Art Now II presents a vibrant environment full of colour, gesture, movement and structure offering a displaying a vast spectrum of taste and technique and really most importantly allowing the space and visitors to the space to be saturated with life and immanency.
The second part of the current Charles Saatchi collection offered, as usual, much inspiration.
Artists included multi media sculpture Steve Bishop whose work I love. “Christian Dior - J’adore (Mountain Goat) 2008” is a mixed media sculpture using a taxidermy goat and a giant perfume bottle carved out of stone. It seems to have a spirituality about it or at least for me is a comment on the spiritual. Steve Bishop is quoted as saying “ Taxidermy
is as much of an object as a coffee cup or any other thing. But they are white (the goat) and there’s an idea of purity involved.” (Saatchi Gallery, 2010 ) The purity (or possible perceived purity)(when presented in as separated from death ) fascinates me in my own work especially when displayed in an almighty or above way. I am interested in how road kill seems in the moment - wiped a way from a real, physical world . Taxidermy (becoming ever more fashionable) presented in this objectified way also offers a comment on humanity displaying our own object hood, what we are both physically and spiritual.
Olivia Plender’s “Masterpiece Part 4- A weekend in the country” also interested because of it’s content and seemingly kitsch format, “Plender’s graphic narratives are designed with the stylised glamour of Pulp fiction covers.”(Saatchi Gallery. 2010) The work drew the audience in on an intriguing level! As an art student it made me question what it is to be an artist and how does it make me feel? Through careful characterisation in the work Plender made the reader or viewer (me) realise what it was that connected me with art. Art makes me feel good! It Is in my blood! Art doesn’t have to be high brow and popularity or pop culture doesn’t make it bad!
In contrast, although not part of Newspeak collection, Richard Wilson’s 20:50 is completely and utterly transcendental. The work, a permanent feature of the Saatchi reflects “Art for Art‘s sake“. It is not trying to say anything profound it is just trying to be. The work is a very real substance, “oil“, yet what it becomes in memorising and epic; a reflection on oneself and the surroundings, a mirror to reality and it would seem a mirror to ones soul.
Being an artist is about living as an artist and documenting my life in some form.
The exhibition Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera recently shown at the TATE Modern really bought to light how I was not alone, “Since it’s invention the camera has been used to make images surreptitiously and satisfy the desire to see what is hidden” (Simon Baker, Ann Coxon and Katy Wan, 2010) . The
Documentation is one of the main roles of the artist. To show, to feel, to record REAL reality or to create a new one. I carry a camera all the time and consider the photos I take a major part of my practise. The world around me through the eye of a lens is “my world“. A different, still world.
Philip- Di lorca’s “Heads“, the first works in the exhibition looks at humanity itself. The exhibition focuses on people’s reaction to the camera however in contrast viewing the exhibition reveals how the camera allows us to see the “secret“ of people The artist isn’t just recording but shedding light and interest on the world.
London is chaotic and huge . The daily grind a constant stream of information for me to process. In a lecture on Beginnings (Dr Jo Mora,
2010) chaos and clutter in the working environment was brought up as a positive thing. The lecturer talked about how some people work effectively in chaos (Francis Bacon and his messy studio)! I sometimes struggle to become neat and tidy but in reality I know I work best or at least have more inspiration in an environment surrounded by clutter. Out on the streets London becomes a resource referring to people, buildings, weather, performance or emotion. A quote from Zoe Leonard about looking, “The deeper I look, the more I realize that in looking into these shop windows, I am also looking out at the rest of the world. I think this is a unique moment to document, and an important one to archive. I know the world will never look quite this way again, and I feel that I want to look closely, to hold it near.” (2010) emphasises how important the urban environment can become in understanding and seeing OUR world. Leonard mainly photographs New York in her work ANALOGUE but the concept is worldwide.
My practice is constantly related to themes of Transcendence as a universal theme. A recent artistic performance at the Barbican theatre by theatre company Complicite called “Shun-Kin” really shed light on my work. It cast a look at technology, something that is constantly at war or working with the artist.
In this case the use of technology in the work was very important as it emphasised its very existence. My work heavily links with theatre and the narrative of performative. Part of my practice is words, monologues or poems thought of in a spoken way but ultimately written down. The fact that Shun’kin was subtitled meant that sound as in “voice” was written (through technology) not spoken but the power of the mind (of the audience) overcame this … as how I imagine in my writing! Entering the world of “Shun’kin was like entering a void of questions. The stage was black, the writing neon green, the sound intruding and otherworldly and the stylisation penetrating. The act of storytelling distanced the audience whilst forcing them to question the issues it raised. The very issue of humanity. Are we real or simply just puppets? The issues that resonate amongst artist in all the work I have talked about whether it be in politics, in critic, transcendental, documentation, or whatever…. Why and HOW?
London is vast, huge, readily available and uncompressible into a few pages. I found it hard to capture London as a resource and even harder to conclude with its usefulness or effectiveness because this is obvious. Instead I will finish with London romanticised. London as a city. A magical city:
“The special quality of the city, when he arrives there on a September evening , when the days are growing shorter and the multicoloured lamps are lighted all at once at the doors of the footstalls and from a terrace a woman’s voice cries oh!, is that he feels envy toward those who believe they have once before an evening identical to this and who think they were happy, that time.” (Calvino, Italo. Invisible Cities, p1)
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
why WAG is the only option...
Anyway I have suddenly come to the conclusion that it is the only option! Or at least to be aimed for...
1. I'm fed up of living like a tramp... who doesn't want to be glamorous really? If i had the money and the resources (people to do it for me) of course I would be impecably clean (ah i hate showering but if I had a bubble bath?), manicured, start a skin care regime with pure gold or diamond?, have luscious extensions, perfect make-up, botox and all the rest... I just don't want to do it myself!
2. I could always wear couture.
3. I would never have to get on the tube.
4. I could go to hot places all the time.
5. I could live in space, spacwe, space, space and more space and be tidy, tidy and clean. Oh to hav cleaner and no clutter! No I am not good at doing it myself but ....I could hire a housewife!
6. FOOD. No more cans of macaroni cheese! I could have a wondrful chef and sit down to whatever healthy, delicious meal I choose... plus DESSERT!
7. I could spend as much time excerising, dancing, stretching as I wanted (plus personal trainer)...confessions of an exercise addict!
8. Lets face it... the husband/ boyfirend is going to be fit, buff and healthy... what more could you want? ... disciplined and hard working... and RICH! (all men are cunts)
9. It is pretty much a runway to sme sort of fame! And it doensn't have to be the HEAT do nothing sort! Ican make art, do fashion, be an actress.
10. Enough money to do something worthy... start a charity? Adopt a child?
11. I can do whatever I want ... money is no object
12. Ok... so if evr I do want to pro create who cares? ... Hire a nanny, pay an expensive school and have a tummy tuck and a designer vagina! it isn't about being a mummy any more!
..... Of course there are many more and it doesn't just have to stop at footballers. Rappers, Royalty, Rock stars they all fit the bill.
Monday, 22 November 2010
so what is wrong with pretention
pretention is a big issue.
This song is made in jest. It isn't real and doesn't really emphasise what being pretentious really is.
In realiy pretention is a world wide issue that everyone fails to not be in some form or another. The problem is no one thinks they are pretentious and no one wants to be but everyone judges....
and what is pretention?
... a brilliant article
Sunday, 21 November 2010
The long run
I think liing them might be more important in the long run?
Friday, 19 November 2010
The Carcas Van
The sickening smell so haunting but turning the everyday.
Splatters of sepia septic blood blending in to grey polluted air.
The van gaping and ready to gobble the grotesque forms and figures
Flung over dirty back staining stench drenched suit...
Fleshy mounds of putrid fat hard to seperate from the living,
Veiny gelatonous pulsing body lumped over the daily grind.
A treat for consumption.
A disturbing delectability for the eyes, the nose, the mind.
Cold. Hard. Slaughter.
The distaste of the dead.
Not a head just body after body after body,
Misformed mountain.
Cracked ribs in broken trolly beign whelled past it's end.
Rotting, wretched creature, yet not,
The soul has past?
Yet... so in human. SO ROUGH. MORE THAN I CAN TAKE.
Clinicality lost, crulety lost, just pure objecthood.
The objecthood of the dead.
The objecthood of the living.
The dread
The dead
Oh how I hate that bloody bitter carcas van.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
pretention for a purpose
It might seem like I'm just lusting after a punk aesthetic (which I am ... in the most romantic way) but this is a comment, an unresolved, unfinished comment about the world around me.
I am aware it looks kitsch with the the tackniess of the smashed quitar, red paint, splashed blood and cheeky "comment "...but this is the point. A comment on art. The world of art and YES "What has happened to art school?"
A throw a way remark, a judgement, an ideal, the past and the future but most importantly what it shoes is so what the comment isn't. Instead of judging the institution this is the institution. It becomes the art teacher, the art student, the art critic and art. Art for ARTS sake. Could a painting get more pretentious? A "profound" statement ( I say in jest) framed and sealed in the colour of blood on a prim white canvas... and hung in art school! Would this survive without it's surroundings? no!... the very fact is it can't escape the organisation and instead of rebelling IT IS.
The smashed guitar... creative destruction? ... or carefully placed and pretentious "art" the purpose... not to be rebellious but to comment on the past, the tacky and the informed.
This doesn't make me cool. It makes me the opposite. But the realisation is what takes this work on.
But still I question... what is education? And what is art school
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Smoke love
Rose lips on pale palour
Hauting creation in neon glow...
Flame Flickers.
Lusty limps stroke and sway
... Once dissapaited. NOW ALIVE.
Screaming in pure ecstatic joy.
Transcendency beats.
Swathed in darkness
Music penetratign the dancing soul
Rhythm moves the mind
Lost and finally FOUND...
... gushing energy bounds from the heart
seeping from Skin
into skin.
Above, Beyond, Whithin the mind of GOD.
Fantasy tosses and turns the pixels of perfection
Clarity to what isn't known.
LOve, in Love, what love
Monday, 15 November 2010
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Shabba-dabba-da VI ..
as always another fabulous night with fabulous people. Just a shame about me and ALEX.... too much drink!
Apologies to all... hehe :)
Friday, 12 November 2010
Thursday, 11 November 2010
theatre in subtitle
A story of blinding light and darkness I really didn't know what I was in for.
The play really hit and touched me on a number of levels.... for a start the very fact that I never imagined it to be NOT IN ENGLISH! shocked me. How narrow minded i am! How lazy! The neon subtitles forced the audience to work hard shifting their gaze from the bright to the dark... minds woking fast trying not to miss a word or a scene. The stark contrat of the modern light and the dakness and ancientness of the story hinting at the complexity of the modern world. The cocoon of electricity playing against the blanket of shadows... which is more repressive?
The story.. one of blindess.. the audiene loosing their language.. the players their sight . A play about a woman's life time- "Shun-KIn" but in reality the story of her guide, slave and lover Sasuke. A story of the senses and of time. What is love? Is it harsh ... S and M? The vunerability and reliance of a master or the utter devotion of a slave?
What is love... to blind one self? Or would you blind yourself for love?
The complexity of love is revealed in its closeness to violence. A beauty or and ugliness who can tell? The story was troubling even at the most basic level but who are we to judge? All our lives are intertwined with darkness and light.
Stemming from traditional Japanese culture it questioned the past and future. What is right and where we are heading. The link betwee technology and the play was obvious... the play was reliant on technology yet it seemed to pity it.
Can we know fully live our lives noticing the magic and loveliness or are we tooo blinded?
Who knows?
What do you think?...

The trailer for the japenense film of the same story (not as stylised)...
... A must watch in Japanese!
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
can't cut this...
With the mess we are in (another human creation) something has to be done ... but the future is bleak. Goldsmiths is set to loose 100 % of its teaching grants along with fees going up to £9000 across the board. This is a diar state of affairs. University always was elitist... for the rich but now everyone expects to have this privilege (not that I would call the education system that!). Cutting and raising will lead to a huge shift in the structure of society... between the new and old.. our generation and the next couple of years and again create a class structure damaging to our already corrupt society.
In terms of art school the state of affairs is ridiculous! It seems to have completley bent to the will anf whim of the goverment loosing all notion of what it is or the point of taking part. I was asked today by a pro cut student (fuck that) "Whether I valued my degree at £30,000 ...becasue if I didn't why was i here?" Ha ha i could .. probably did have laughed in his face. He believed the cuts were vital... probably so he could raise his own elitist arse up above the talented bitches around him. The problem is NO I don't. I value my lifestyle, art, the people I am surronded with but not the stupid grade or the fucking university. The problem is raising the fees will take what little is left of art school ( not much... the goverments still to scared of punk) and remove all talent so that just the very few who can pay ( because no..WE CAN'T) can achieve there precious degree! Proof that your an artist? ... BULLSHIT!!!
Ah if only...
Teachers wouldn't get cuts.
People would be motivated.
We would be fresh.
and my whole bloody world wouldn't feel so rigid.
For the time beign though... befoer we tackle the problem of actual art school..
we must fight... at least this is giving us some anarchic spirit!
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
The point
I'm painting and it is dead... I feel like I am in playschool. Art is just this human creation fulfilling some kind of blue peter importance. Artits what are artists? ... Political ? Social? ... what is the point!
Politics is just this humanistic imposed nothingness giving people importance or reason.. it fills lives with numbing substance that means nothing! Pointless wasted time to fulfill our cracking society. Society is wasted . . .
We lost track of Survival.. but then what is even the point of that. We all die in the end. We created our purpose , our need for life and we are all so fucking DESPERATE.
So we our born to spawn to keep the process gonig over again and again ..but why... why bother? What a shitty mess! ... The world's dying and all sense is gone . Just a grey mess of false hopes and expectations to keep us going!
Ijust need some kind of reason. Otherwise we are bloodless creatures mimicking some kind of ridiculous living that isn't really living but a story book.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Grey mind
Grey space
Grey light
Grey heart
Grey sight...
Absolution in the still soliliquey of solitude
Wasted words in a wasted world
Moments in time tortured by burning bitter fantasy,
Blasphemy on life ...
Light lost
Love losing
Lauhter left listlessly lamenting language
Madness twisting reality into a few pathetic moments
Not worth the time spent
Or the feeling.
Lack of memory mocking a mind that knows
Not me
Not I
Not it
Not life.
What does one want?
Not this
But what?
freedom ... but freedom to dance in completion.
Do do what is
what should be.
Knotted actions lost in lack of control.
Control spun into girating glee at the absence of caring.
But I do care
I do care
Free me control
free me
Saturday, 6 November 2010
ban religion

by Gilbert and George
This isn't serious it is just words on paper. It isn't a plea but a statement. No rules are inplied... what's the point?
But it shows.. religion isn;t born it isn't a feeling it is a regime a way of living. It isn't the morals it teaches (which are genrally good) but the repression, war, fear, blindlessness and corruption. No the goodness isn't wrong but everything else is. Open up your mind and see where you lead...
Friday, 5 November 2010
so it has been a year....
I LOVE Alex all the world and will do forever. Our relationship is not understoo by many- the way we work, the way we seem, our morals, what we seem to care about but I think ayone who comes in to our contact knows we work as a team and are always there for each other. We have done some mental things in the past year.. some good, some very very bad!
But hell we have to live.
To be honest the prospect of a year scares me and I still run away but I have made a commitment and I just need Alex to remind me of that.
Anyway I love you ... I love you... I love you.
Best friend
here are a few pictures from the very beginning...

Thursday, 4 November 2010
so you want an artist influence...
I actually think this video is genius though!!
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
the knife

The Knife
by Jan Saudek
..a picture with a story, a picture with myster, atmosphere, lust, narrative, emotion, coldness, love, beauty and ugliness.
There are many reasons for this picture.
What is yours?
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Monday, 1 November 2010
whitching hour
Out on the halloween weekend and something seriously went spooky.
It wasn't even halloween night (we missed that because of the weekends circumstances)
but witches/ faries/ ghosts or ghouls were defenately at work.
So friday night off we went to the warehouse party of the century... yes drunk, late and a bit tired but we arrived stood outside for a bit and talked to some friends, did a couple of photos for disorder magazine and entered. This is when things started to get spooked... I had a dangerous liason on the toilet came out and met wolfie who was running about like a mad thing, we kept bumping into people and I chatted to a film director. Then i decided to get some water we danced and finally headed for the cloakroom. This is the last thing we remeber before waking up at half one the next day. I mean serious serious serious memory wipe. We have no idea what happened! This is unusual... we didn't drink or take drugs but the next morning... NOTHING. And I mean nothing. There we were completely naked clothes folded up? Earings out... hair clips out home in bed. Me with a massive gash on my back and the biggest bump on my head purseless and short of 100 pounds. Alex with a broken shoe ... pursless, cardless, IDless and phoneless... Our clothes... folded up but covered in mud? Nothing no memory nothing.
We both veel incredibly uneasy and KNOW something happened??? But what? Magic?
Anyway we then walked for 6 hours from East London to sutton.. to be rescued by out parents/