Thursday, 28 April 2011

hazy days

I have gone off buying clothes...
1. they are generally too expensive
2. there is too much choice
3. you loose your style definition
4. I have not enough room for them
5. I hate shopping
6. We are just fuelling the capitalist obsessed society (ok .. i don't want another financial collapse (but hey))
7. I like saving money
8. Buying , buying, buying really doesn't fill the boredom gap!
9. Clothes do not make my life worth while

Whenever I do go shopping I find myself only browsing sale sections (mainly because it lessons the vast and ridiculous choice) and even then thinking - that is nice, that is nice, that is nice but I can't be bothered to by anything. So many clothes are pointless trash. End of.
Don't get me wrong.. if someone said to me " Have Topshop as you wardrobe... go on.. have anything every day" I wouldn't object. There are endless things I like. The unique collection is amazing but at the end of the day. I can;t afford everything and one more item isn't going to make my life.

Whilst contemplating that I might only buy and wear one outfit a year from Vivienne Westwood e.t.c.  there are still items that make my heart beat faster and clothes that still make me feel really good. This is one of them:

I appreciate I am an awful poser but the dress is beautiful and perfect for summer. I love the colour and I feel like a fairy. Summer is coming and I want to be free again.

Dress £70 from Topshop courtesy of my wonderful mother.

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